Sacred Mayonnaise

Sacred Mayonnaise celebrates the simple art of making mayonnaise by hand. Performed by Miche Fabre Lewin in diverse settings such as Feast on the Bridge at the Thames Festival, London, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and at NIROX Foundation, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa, the ritual makes visible through artisan practices the inter-relations between food and agriculture, nature and culture, sharing skills, evoking memories, and inviting in a consciousness of how we can shape our food futures, every day and every mouthful.

In 2017, Miche offered Sacred Mayonnaise at the opening ofEcovention Europe: Art to Transform Ecologies, 1957-2017’ at Museum De Dominjnen, in Sittard, Netherlands, alongside our collaborative installation Everything Is Here. Ecovention Europe was curated by Sue Spaid and is dedicated to artists who are taking action by initiating and testing environmental resolutions. You can read more about this performance within Art of Sympoiethics published in The Ecological Citizen.
