
Spier Farm, South Africa
Durational one-day food ritual with FieldShrine installation
FieldTable took place on Spier Farm, Lynedoch, South Africa. The thanks-giving ritual brought together students and educators, gardeners and farmers, artisan food producers, organisational leaders and activists, bakers and chefs, scientists and ecologists, journalists and researchers and to explore new agroecological futures for South Africa. Diners walked to the field where they encountered a FieldShrine of objects and materials gifted from local farmers, residents and found on the land.
“For me, you are re-igniting culture, coming back to what it means to be community along the lines of land and food. Under culture you get ritual and agriculture, you discover what it means to be going back to being human."
Together, we ate organic and biodynamic food grown, harvested and prepared from no more than a few miles from the table. The ritual invited time to be-with and listen to the food and land, to share conversation, and to hear the experiences and aspirations of all those breaking bread together. Within the context of cultures for food sovereignty, FieldTable was a safe space to attend to the inter-twining of social, ecological and food justice through the experiential, the educational and the contemplative.