
  • Cultures of Belonging

    Reflecting on the myth of Cura, the matter of soil and ritual process for personal and collective healing and liberation. Published by Warwick University as part of Ecological Belongings.

  • Art of Sympoiethics

    Sharing the story of an artistic food ritual intervention within Ecovention: Art to Transform Ecologies curated by Sue Spaid. Published in Ecological Citizen

  • FieldTable

    Exploring the food ritual FieldTable as sympoiethic world-making with each other and the living Earth. Published in Subtle Agroecologies: Farming with the hidden half of nature.

  • Curating the Convivial

    Tracing emergent and collective process of co-curating Soil Saturdays as part of UN International Year of Soils. Published in Geohumanities.

  • For the Love of a Field

    Article exploring how art and ritual supports the cultural and ecological enrichment of a 10 acre field in the East of England. Published in Ecological Citizen.

  • Artful Bodymind

    Miche’s doctoral thesis which shares the power of art and rituals to enliven transformative research methodologies. Published with Coventry University.


FILMS | art films, interviews, documented events and talks