Cura is our on-going exploration of the art and aesthetics of care in the everyday, and how ecological food cultures are a practice in ethics.
Commissioned by thought leaders, research centres, art agencies and community partners, we share artful procesess that tune into questions, experiences and aspirations to midwife as-yet-unimagined solutions. These thinking-making practices are an experiential inquiry with matter that enliven self-reflection, listening with each other and attending to the spirit and geography of place. Together, we unobscure simple solutions and refresh narratives for living an ethics of care in the everyday. These explorations move through inter-connected cycles of re-search which embrace: recognising what is already in place; resourcing our senses, imagination and intuition; and re-specting - seeing afresh – newly awakened possibilities. The co-creative diversity of these encounters are extensively documented through written, visual and photographic material and complemented by talismanic artworks/artefacts/poetics to hold renewed visions and guide practical actions for change.